"An amazing video of a Russian T-72 fleeing Ukrainian troops, discarding men and then crashing into a tree."
September 10, 2022

Drone footage of a Russian tank fleeing Ukrainian proved irresistible fodder for Ukrainian bloggers, helpfully adding some well-known music from Curb Your Enthusiasm and Benny Hill to capture the right tone.

Source: Daily Mail

Astonishing footage has captured the moment that Russian soldiers are thrown off a fleeing tank which is sent crashing into a tree as Ukraine's forces continue their 30-mile advance into Russian-occupied areas.

The fleeing tank is seen desperately retreating at a considerable speed near Izyum in the Kharkiv region with several soldiers on top of its hull.

But moments after Russian troops are thrown from the tank, it is seen swerving off the road before smashing straight into a tree which falls on the remaining soldiers.

The drone footage, released by Ukrainian armed forces, mocks the Russians over their vow: 'We do not abandon our people'.

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