British intelligence says draftees are likely to be deployed with 'minimal preparation' and will 'suffer a high attrition rate.' Cannon fodder, in other words.
September 27, 2022

You almost have to feel sorry for these poor bastards. Dumped in the woods of Ukraine with only their assault rifles, no food or water, and no other supplies. They're just waiting for Ukrainians to find them and kill them.

Source: Daily Mail

Russian conscripts with no training have already been thrown on to the frontlines in Ukraine, Kyiv's generals have said.

Drafted civilians are being used to plug holes in Russian units that have been mauled in more-than seven months of fighting, the Ukrainian general staff said, which will badly affect their morale, 'psychological state' and combat performance.

Meanwhile, British intelligence said none of the tens of thousands of conscripts called up so far are likely to receive good training, as most of Russia's instructors have been sent away to fight.

'Drafted troops will deploy to the front line with minimal relevant preparation [and] are likely to suffer a high attrition rate', the Ministry of Defence said.

And if their stories sound far-fetched (who sends soldiers into a war zone with no training and no supplies?) then watch the next video. Male soldiers were told to bring plenty of tampons, and even their own sleeping bags.

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