Island residents are worried the post-Fiona rescue efforts will slow to a trickle after Ian hit mainland Florida.
September 29, 2022

I can only imagine how anxious island residents feel about this. I doubt Joe Biden is going to forget about them, but I understand why they're worried. Via Politico:

Puerto Ricans still trying to recover from Hurricane Fiona have a plea for the Biden administration: Don’t forget about us.

Even before Florida suffered its own devastating hurricane landfall Wednesday, community and nonprofit leaders in Puerto Rico were criticizing the Biden administration for what they call missteps in the government’s response to Fiona. Those include not initially covering all of Puerto Rico in President Joe Biden’s declaration of a major disaster, as well as a slow flow of federal aid to communities that experienced catastrophic flooding after receiving 20 to 32 inches of rain.

Now, some in the U.S. island territory fear that the undeniable recovery needs in Florida, after the state’s pummeling by Category 4 Hurricane Ian, will shift attention and resources away from Puerto Rico when it remains vulnerable.

As always: When in doubt, donate to World Central Kitchen. They're everywhere!

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