September 23, 2022

During a press event promoting Republicans' inane Commitment to America agenda, Minority leader Kevin McCarthy vowed to remove all parents' names on the domestic terrorist list.

Even though not a single parent has ever complained about being on one, nor has any evidence been produced showing they are on one.

Republicans capitalized on another summer of fear by creating the Critical Race Theory conspiracy, which they used to enrage evangelical parents in Virginia in 2021.

This, of course, resulted in many mothers and fathers abusing and threatening school board members and teachers. Many did so to get their fifteen minutes on Fox News.

McCarthy has been reviving this nonsense all over the media and on Fox News Sunday where he said the same thing.

It was a very scared National School Boards Association that used the term domestic terrorist and not Merrick Garland.

NSBA letter, Sept. 29, 2021: As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.

Fact Check verified it here, but lying is what Republicans are very proficient in these days.

"The DOJ going after parents and labeling them as domestic terrorists," Rep. Stefanik lied.

"We urge parents to go to school board meetings," leaving the impressing AG Garland opened up internment camps for concerned parents.

McCarthy then took the microphone.

"I'll make this personal pledge, I don't know if it happened, but any parent that got put on the terrorist watch list by the DOJ, we'll get you off it, Okay," McCarthy said.

The GOP needs and wants parents to act like domestic terrorists because they believe it will help them in future elections.

The truth is not a friend of the Republican party so they need to create nonexistent fear to rile up their voters. Using children as their personal propaganda tool is the latest low MAGAs have stooped to.

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