September 18, 2022

It was revealed last year that Florida Man Matt Gaetz sought a preemptive pardon from Donald Trump, and now we know why. Johnny McEntee told investigators that Gaetz told him "that they are launching an investigation into him or that there's an investigation into him." Well, there is an investigation into sex trafficking.

Via The Washington Post:

McEntee added that Gaetz told him "he didn't do anything wrong but they are trying to make his life hell, and you know, if the president could give him a pardon, that would be great." Gaetz told McEntee that he had asked White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows for a pardon.

Asked by investigators if Gaetz's ask for a pardon was in the context of the Justice Department's investigation into whether Gaetz violated federal sex trafficking laws, McEntee replied, "I think that was the context, yes," according to people familiar with the testimony who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

I'm old enough to remember when a scandal like this would have ended a politician's career. Clinton got a blowjob and was held accountable for lying about it.

Here's the list of Republican Reps. that sought a pardon from Trump: Mo Brooks of Alabama, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

The usual characters.

Where is QAnon in all of this?

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