September 8, 2022

On Wednesday's Fox News The Five, co-host Greg Gutfeld used his misogyny to attack young Greta Thunberg for speaking out against politicians and others for ignoring the dangers of Climate change.

Instead of focusing on the crushing heat wave, the Fox News' chyron was claiming that Green Energy is somehow causing power shortages in California, which is not true. Putting forth legislation that curbs oil is the way to fight against climate change, obviously.

As the panel went around the table, it was Greg Gutfeld's turn.

The Fox News host actually complained about what he called "constant hyperbole" and opined he would be on the side of climate change if not for it the advocates.

"It's not climate change that has done this, it's the climate change activists that poisoned the dialogue with hysteria for 30, 40, maybe 50 years. I mean, imagine if, instead of crying wolf, they were talking wolf, right? It might have actually, if you remove the constant hyperbole, somebody like me would have actually been on your side," he said.

I mean, this is ridiculous.

But Gutfeld didn't stop there. He also took aim at now nineteen-year-old Greta Thunberg in a despicable fashion. Thunberg was in Sweden a few days ago bashing Sweden, so Gutfeld took issue with...

..."the hysterical woman."

"And then you have people like me, who could not take the shrieking psycho brats, you know, like Greta Thunberg screaming at me, you know. She probably did more to undermine the green movement than Monsanto. Because you can't take it seriously when you have a woman or a girl going, "How dare you? How dare you?" Well, how dare you? Crazy lady."

If hyperbole is what turns off Gutfeld, how does he support Traitor Trump and the entire GOP? Or look in the mirror each morning?

The great Martina Navratilova got it right.

The man is a fool, an odious fool, but Fox News viewers enjoy listening to fools.

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