September 23, 2022

On Thursday's The Five, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld gaslit his audience over Trump's entire Charlottesville episode to claim the media manipulated his disgusting comments to elect Joe Biden into office four years later.

Why now? Well, think about the week Trump just had. Better to make a 2017 "controversy" a thing rather than talk about Trump's horrible week in 2022.

Fox News was running wild over the horrible story of a man allegedly running over an eighteen-year-old in North Dakota because he was an extremist Republican.

Enter the obnoxious Gutfeld, who linked the story of the horrific Unite the Right white nationalist march by Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, torches in hand, screaming 'Jews will not replace us' that resulted in Heather Heyer being murdered in August of 2017.

In Greg's mind, somehow, Google manipulated that story and is doing the same to the North Dakota incident.

Gutfeld ranted like a Banshee that it's the media that claims Trump incited the insurrection on January 6th. Somehow Trump saying the word "peacefully' negates the entire attempted coup against the free and fair election of Joe Biden. Whatevs...

"Think about Charlottesville. They claim Trump incited that even though he had no idea it was there," Gutfeld said.

That's a lie. Trump's horrific words were in response to the Neo-Nazis.

"Then they push the hoax that he was referring to Nazis as very fine people. that hoax was so convincing Joe Biden still repeats it to this day and claims it's his reason for running," Gutfeld opined.

Any of Trump's despicable words or actions while in office always turns into "a hoax against him" by his media sycophants.

"Something that never happened. It never happened. Never happened, the 'fine people' hoax. Never happened. He was talking about the people on both sides of the statue controversy. So when you compare the huge deal, that's how we got President Biden," Gutfeld claimed.

This is also preposterous. That was one of over a hundred issues and actions that helped elect Joe Biden as US President.

I can't believe I have to repost this, but here goes.

Trump vehemently defended the Neo-Nazis in his press conference at Trump Tower in New York.

Trump clearly says there were very fine Neo-Nazis, in his remarks on August 15, 2017.

"You had some very bad people in that group," Trump said. "But you also had people, very fine people, on both sides-- You had people in that group --excuse me-- I saw the same pictures you did," Trump whined.

"You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of to them a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park,' Trump continued.

Trump pretended some Neo-Nazis marching in a white nationalist march against Jews and Blacks, holding torches, were there only to complain about confederate statues and the renaming of a park.

I mean, my God. What an a-hole.

Gutfeld continued ranting and gaslighting.

"So when you compare these two cases, you can see how the media can turn this spigot on and turn it off. They turn it off on this one, and they turned it way up on Charlottesville, created a hoax out of it; 'fine people' and got a Democrat in the White House. Gotta hand it to them," Gutfeld said.

Gutfeld has been trying to rehabilitate Trump over Charlottesville for some time, after initially opposing Trump's words.

That is platinum-level right-wing propaganda.

Trump supporters in the media have been trying to re-write Trump's actions after the Charlottesville for years.

Here's Eboni K. Williams blasting Trump for his cowardly and offensive words on August 14th, 2017.

She received death threats from MAGA for telling the truth.

So Williams spoke again.

WILLIAMS: Mr. President, your initial remarks were cowardly and dangerous, and they indeed warranted a second statement. Here’s why. Your presidential campaign slogan, "Make America great again," well, it raised many questions for many: Were Jews, blacks, gays, and Hispanics included in the return of America to her great glory years, or would some of us be left out? Well, I was legitimately unsure. But absent more conclusive evidence, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I can no longer do that, Mr. President. No more benefit. All doubt.

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