September 26, 2022

Fox News Sunday welcomed in newly minted host Shannon Bream to take over the reins from Chris Wallace, but their opening segment proves how they are dumping Wallace's more respectable program while channeling Murdoch's Fox News' cable channel right-wing propaganda instead.

Opening up with a report by Lucas Tomlinson, the first segment led with the Republic Commitment to America spiel, and you guessed it, the Fox News reporter made sure their audience knew who was to blame.

"The Dow has dropped to its lowest point in two years and inflation as inflation remains at forty-year year highs, many Americans are feeling the squeeze," Tomlinson said.

Cut to their hero, Kevin McCarthy. "They have no plan to fix all the problems they created."

"House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy rolling out the GOP's Commitment to America. Accusing Democrats of ignoring rising crime, rising prices, and parents' rights when it comes to their children's education," Tomlinson squeaked.

The Fox News "reporter" glowingly laid out the GOP's entire midterm attack plan.

How did Fox News Sunday segue into President Biden? By vilifying him for speaking to teachers.

"President Biden speaking to the nation's largest labor union, public schoolteachers," Tomlinson said.

Cut to President Biden.

"Kevin McCarthy went to Pennsylvania and unveiled, I love what he calls it, Commitment to America. Now, that's a thin series of policy goals with little and no detail," Biden said, but Fox News awkwardly cut away from him.

Then Tomlinson helped Republicans by framing Biden's interaction with the nation's educators thusly: "Biden's addressed the teachers offered little to address falling test scores in education," Tomlinson said.

Huh? WTF? Only Republicans are allowed to give speeches to their supporters.

Fox News and right-wingers have made teachers America's number one enemy. Tomlinson continued attacking Biden's speech.

"The president using the occasion to make political attacks," the Fox News reporter said.

Republicans use every occasion to attack, so what's the hub, bub?

Fox then used insurrectionist Congressman Jim Banks to offer a response and made sure to read his shameful words in their entirety.

"Republican Congressman Jim Banks fired back in a statement, 'The National Education Association is a partisan lobbying arm for the DNC that harmed students during the COVID pandemic and continues to push anti-American ideologies in classrooms,'" Tomlinson read.

This is fascist wingnut propaganda.

The National Education Association was established in 1857, you piece of crap. If anyone harmed our students, it was Trump's mishandling of COVID, you f**king creep.

Tomlinson went lower still. "Some question the president bringing up abortion in front of educators."

Who questioned? Steve Bannon? You, you f**k?

Adult teachers, faculty members, supporting staffers, etc, are not allowed to hear a US president discuss reproductive rights for women? For fuck's sake.

This is how devious Fox News and any media outlets that are involved with them operate. And this was only a two-minute segment.

Tomlinson was doing his Fox News duty, trying to help elect Republicans.

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