Trump Henchman Stephen Miller. It's like John Wayne Gacy claiming the real criminals were the police who dug up the bodies he buried under his house.
August 26, 2022

On Thursday's Ingraham Angle, former Trump advisor Stephen Miller described the Democratic Party as fascists.


Apparently, this word applies to Democrats because President Biden forgave a portion of college student loan debt.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham posted Biden's harsh and correct words before last night's speech, that attack the insane MAGA party beliefs.

"It's not just Trump, it's the entire philosophy that underpins the - I'm going to say something, it's like semi-fascism."

Stephen Miller took exception!

Well, he would, since he helped orchestrate MAGA's xenophobic agenda.

"Well, I think Freud called that projection. If you want to know what the fascist party is in America, it's Joe Biden's Democratic party," Miller opined.

Is he taking a page out of Pee Wee Herman? I'm rubber, you're glue? Come on.

Miller then ranted like a QAnon king.

Miller claimed the legally executed search of Mar-A-Lago by the FBI was fascist. He also linked the initial COVID response from Trump as if it was Biden's doing.

"Shutting down people's lives, businesses, kicking people out of schools because they will not get their vaccine...," he said.

That's interesting because Trump constantly tries to take credit for creating the COVID vaccines. It was Trump who shut down the country.

Lying about who did what and gaslighting their own actions is classic Republican strategy.

All of the legislation passed under President Biden helps all of America and not just the wealthy elites. The only play MAGA has is to whip up their grievance playbook.

Listening to Miller rant was like if John Wayne Gacy said the real criminals were the police who dug up the bodies buried under his house.

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