August 30, 2022

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' latest voter integrity con is quickly unraveling.

Last week DeSantis had his Stasi-like elections investigation office arrest 20 convicted felons for voting "illegally," trying to prove there is voter fraud being perpetrated in Florida. The Florida governor promised more upcoming arrests.

I will make an assumption here and say that no felon would want to go back to jail just to vote in an election illegally.

Furthermore, Florida election officials issued voter registration to people and then DeSantis arrested them FOR VOTING? It's ridiculous.

Slate reports, "But it turns out that the individuals ensnared in DeSantis’ dragnet had no idea that they could not lawfully vote. The governor’s own appointees flubbed their legal duty to stop them from registering. And because of their sloppy errors, all 20 defendants may well be acquitted of crimes they did not intend to commit."

This is how malfunctioning DeSantis' state is being run by his platform of "owning the libs."

Remember, Florida passed a ballot measure that gave the right to vote back to convicted felons after they completed their jail sentences, but then the wingnut Florida legislature bucked the will of the people and passed a measure that insured most of the felons could never vote at all.

As Politico reported, "Several people who were arrested last week as part of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ voter fraud crackdown were notified by official government entities they were eligible to vote, according to court documents and interviews. The defendants told authorities they had no intention of committing voter fraud, according to affidavits, and in some cases were baffled by their arrests because counties had sent them voter registration cards and approved them to vote."

As usual, DeSantis played to the Fox News cameras.

“To see the state going after folks and dragging them out of their homes in handcuffs and throwing them in jail, that is just overreach, especially when the state knows there was no intent,” said Desmond Meade, executive director of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition.

That's not America.

If DeSantis' own people have no idea how to implement their own laws, how are felons supposed to adhere to their so-called "rules"?

Mark Joseph Stern writes, "Perhaps the governor won’t mind when the criminal case against these voters falls apart. His intention, after all, was to create a chilling effect on others’ rights, frightening eligible residents out of trying to vote. He has put a target on the back of every Floridian who was supposed to regain full citizenship under Amendment 4. Plenty of formerly incarcerated people might look upon this episode as proof that it is not worth attempting to rejoin the electorate. Even if every defendant is ultimately acquitted, DeSantis’ quest to prove that he can undermine democracy just as viciously as Trump, remains intact."

Yes, indeed.

Immorally punishing convicted felons who have paid the price for their transgressions is an easy trade-off to the thuggery of DeSantis.

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