Memo to Rick Scott: It’s not a good look to attack President Biden for vacationing *at his home in Delaware* just before you take off for a luxury yacht in Italy - and amid questions about your handling of NRSC cash.
August 24, 2022

You can’t blame Sen. Rick Scott for wanting to get far away from Washington. But that doesn’t make hopping a yacht in Italy a good idea. Scott is the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee which is tasked with winning back the Senate majority. That prospect seems to be dimming and there are serious questions about the NRSC's suspicious cash crunch. As Axios put it, “Vacationing in Europe while Republicans face cash problems and rough headlines about their midterm chances could further hurt his standing with his GOP colleagues.” Ya think?

Maybe Scott thought that if he owned the libs with a clever tweet, nobody would notice his hypocrisy:

It doesn’t seem to be working out for him. Newsweek pointed out that questions about how Scott has spent the committee’s money has reminded folks about his past Medicare fraud settlement. When Scott was CEO of Columbia/HCA, the company paid $1.7 billion in fines to settle with the Justice Department. Scott pleaded the Fifth Amendment 75 times in his deposition during the investigation.

Some responses to his tweet:

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