August 5, 2022

Texas AG Ken Paxton told Newsmax that it's up to schools like Uvalde to protect their children from mass shootings and mass murderers.

Paxton was indicted on felony securities fraud charges seven years ago and still hasn't faced a trial.

"Are there steps being taken by Texas schools to increase security as we begin the next school year?" the Newsmax host of the day asked.

"Look, we have 1,000 schools districts in Texas, and those school districts make their own decisions," Paxton replied.

Paxton claimed Texas schools have all the tools and resources they need to protect children. Really? Uvalde parents would disagree mightily.

Paxton wants to train teachers to become SWAT members, hire more security and lockdown schools like prisons. How did law enforcement work out for those school children, Kenny boy?

In other words, you're on your own, again.

Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton would rather support banning books instead of the deadly AR-15 used to murder nineteen elementary school children in Uvalde.

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