The 4-3 decision sends back to a lower court a case involving the process by which the North Carolina general assembly can amend its state constitution.
August 20, 2022

Always happy to see a court ruling strike at the root of the GOP's racial agenda! Via the Business Insider:

In a ruling hailed by North Carolina's chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the state Supreme Court on Friday said the state constitution can't be amended by lawmakers if they come from districts with borders created in a racially-gerrymandered way.

The 4-3 decision sends back to a lower court a case involving the process by which the North Carolina general assembly can amend its state constitution.

The NAACP v. Moore case was filed in November 2018 in an attempt to invalidate two constitutional amendments: one requiring a photo ID to vote and one capping the state's income tax rate.

With its new opinion, the North Carolina Supreme Court said that members of the assembly coming from districts with unconstitutional racial gerrymandering could not propose amendments to the state constitution.

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