The absurdity of Republicans was on display when Rep. Turner claimed an average American can obtain highly classified nuclear secrets on their phone.
August 12, 2022

Rep. Michael Turner (R-OH), Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, held a press conference with other members to discuss the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago and to give Trump as much cover as needed if indeed, the former guy was found to possess classified nuclear secrets.

Republicans are angrier that the FBI executed a legal search warrant on Mar a Lago, than about the ex-president's role in getting five officers killed during the insurrection at the US Capitol. Not to mention attempting a coup.

A reporter asked Turner if any House Republicans had a concern about unsecured classified information potentially being in a storage area at Trump's residence in Florida.

"Does anybody have a concern with that?"

"Certainly," Turner said, but then pivoted to what he feels was a rash raid.

"Donald Trump has more classified information in his head than in his desk," Turned exclaimed.

I mean, come on, man.

At the end of the presser, a reporter asked why a president would need to keep classified info like that in a public residence.

Rep. Turner then showed his true colors.

"There are a number of things that are classified that fall under the umbrella of nuclear weapons, but that are not necessarily things that are truly classified. And many of them you can find on your own phone as we stand here." Turner said.

So the FBI didn't bother to research what those secrets might be by doing a quick Google search on their iPhones (because the entire FBI is as stupid as Lara Trump?) and instead just raided Trump's Florida residence.

Who knew Google had top secret nuclear documents? You know, like maybe our nuclear codes?

The lengths to which these apologists will go to defend the indefensible.

Donald Trump does not get to be treated with "the respect due to a former president" when he incited an insurrection against the US Capitol that left five officers dead.

He is due no respect for his coup to retain power for a second term. For his interference in the vote count in several states both before and after the election. For his attempted blackmail of Ukraine.

And he is due no respect for defying a subpoena to turn over ALL the documents the court requested.

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