August 29, 2022

Earlier today, Fox News host Trace Gallagher claimed that President Biden allows "some people" to walk into a CVS, then walk out of the store without paying for any items.

That's not a thing, Trace.

Speaking with Axios' Josh Kraushaar, Gallagher ranted, and the longer he went, the deeper into QAnon he excavated.

Biden's poll numbers are rising, so Gallagher had some weird thoughts.

"It just seems like there's no rules. They're calling some people semi-fascists, other people feel like suckers. We talk about a woman who feels like she got swindled. I mean, why would you, why would you go through the process of becoming an American citizen when you could just walk across the border, right?" Gallagher asked.

Gallagher doesn't mind that Trump and his MAGA cult have refused to adhere to any rules in this country or even those election rules laid forth in the Constitution. They attacked the US Capitol and tried to overthrow the government.

Yet, what's more outrageous in his eyes, is helping college students pay down some debt.

Also, immigrants can't just "walk across the border, fill out an application for Home Depot and rent an apartment in El Paso," Trace.

"Why would you pay your debt off when you think the government's gonna come in and bail you out?"

Forgiving 10-20K is not paying off anyone's loan. And Democrats ran on this issue during the 2020 election.

"Why would you pay for stuff at CVS, when you can just walk out the door?" Gallagher said.

Hate to break it to you there, but that would be shoplifting and a crime, jackass. You'd be arrested, maybe shot for your troubles.

"It just seems like there are these different rules for different people in society today," Gallagher said.

To me, that sounded like it was a passive-aggressive attack on brown people and pot-smoking youngsters.

How does forgiving a small amount of a college loan turn into a free-for-all at Best Buy?

Axios' Kraushaar agreed, "There's a fairness issue." I don't know WTF he's talking about. The student debt program applies to all families based on their income, not their political party.

Fox News is trying to come to the rescue of Republicans, as the midterms close in, by propagating phony outrage and complete misinformation about the latest very good legislation passed by the Biden administration and a Democratic-led Congress.

But hey, Gallagher may have won some much-coveted Murdoch "attaboy" points with this monologue.

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