August 2, 2022

Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman is like the realest person ever. He's relatable, he's down to earth, and he's not a punk-ass b*tch-rich dude that thinks he's better than the rest of us. He is John Fetterman.

So, Fetterman is really good at the social media game, and Dr. Mehmet Oz, a gazillionaire, really sucks at messaging. Can you imagine a privileged, wealthy guy trying to represent the great people from Pennsylvania?

You just can't picture the man having lunch with you while sharing a massive Philly cheesesteak. He'd be all, "Pardon me, but where are the hors d'oeuvres? It's simply uncouth to eat a meal this way. Pffft!" while waving you off with his hand.

In a resurfaced video featuring Oz, he says, "Once you get about $40,000 of income, the value of money dramatically decreases in your life."

And the rich Republican claims there's no difference between $50,000 and $50 million.

"Like, how out of touch from reality do you have to be to literally say something like that???" Fetterman asked in a tweet.

I cannot relate to Mr. Fancy Turkish Pants. Like former President Donald Trump, Oz isn't a self-made rich guy. It started with his father.

In contrast, Fetterman owns one suit.

And that's not a weird thing. That's a relatable thing. Send Oz back to New Jersey, please. He's not even from Pennsylvania. It's always a scam with Republicans.

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