Trump's Attorney Tells Newsmax She Can't File 'Frivolous Suits'
Credit: Screengrab
August 24, 2022

On Newsmax's Prime News, Trump attorney Alina Habba apparently forgot what dimension she was in while discussing her boss's ridiculous Special Master request sent to the judge in the FBI raid case.

It's been roughly two weeks since the FBI executed a search warrant on Mar-A-Lago. Many observers commented that the Trump motion came in too late.

Alina Habba sighed.

"Ahhh...I mean obviously everything has to be well vetted, right? As attorneys, you can’t file frivolous suits… You need to make sure you're cooperating..." Habba said.

Rudy Giuliani filed frivolous after frivolous lawsuit against non-existent voter fraud as Trump tried to overturn the free and fair 2020 election, Ms. "ESQ."

"I think that the former President Trump is always so careful to try and respect the government and the systems which he once led," she claimed.

Is she gonna get in trouble for intimating that Trump is no longer the so-called president?

As Rick and Morty have told us, the Earth that Morty was born on is C-137, but as we know, Rick destroys universes at a whim and some times by accident while he transports through the multiverse.

I wonder what "Earth" Alina Habba was on when she made these comments to Newsmax.

"This was kind of a last resort," Habba said.

A Hail Mary, she meant to say.

The Special Master request was done so incompetently that the judge, a Trump appointee, told the Trump team to go back to the drawing board and present something that makes sense.

And to put a cherry on it, "The clerk posted one notice on the docket indicating that the complaint had been "filed conventionally" when it "should have been filed electronically," according to the court's local rules.

The whole Trump "case" is absurd, even when presented on Newsmax.

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