Former President Donald Trump campaigned in Nevada for two Republicans he endorsed, Joe Lombardo and Adam Laxalt, on Friday, less than one month after they won their respective primaries. At one point, the twice impeached one-term President said, "We have to stop fighting with each other and unify. That was happening during the greatest period in our country's history just before COVID… everybody was happy."
So, that's a lie, but his speech continued to be weird. Really weird, especially when he claimed that drug use declined "in the White House." I don't think Ronny Jackson and Donald Trump Jr. would agree. Twitter had some thoughts, too.
I'm curious about Junior. Doesn't anyone care enough about him to hold an intervention? When he talks, you expect a rock of cocaine to fly out of his nose. And yet, no one, not his lap-dancing girlfriend or family members, seems to give a sh*t. That's kind of sad. I don't give a sh*t about him, either, but we aren't related.