Knowing the Bering Strait faces Russia does not make Sarah Palin a diplomatic genius.
Sarah Palin Is Still Pitiful
Credit: Screengrab
July 10, 2022

Let me set the stage.

During her first interview after being named John McCain's vice president nominee in 2008, ABC News' Charles Gibson asked Alaskan Gov. Palin about her insight into Russian politics. Her answer will forever hang around her neck like a skunk's tail.

“They’re our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”

Obviously that's not an answer to a political question. Palin quickly demonstrated she was incompetent and ill-equipped to run for higher office.

Palin was quickly spoofed by SNL in a famous skit between Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. (1:19)

Poehler, imitating Hillary Clinton said, "I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy."

Tina Fey, imitating Sarah Palin replied, " I can see Russia from my house."

John McCain was then forced to go on TV and defend her.

Last week, The Speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament tried to appear tough and said that if the US continues to seize Russian assets, Russia has something to take back, too. (Russia sold Alaska to the US in 1867)

Sarah Palin then ran to Newsmax to cluck like some sort of victory chicken.

"I've been warning people and taken one for the team as I've been mocked forever. Here we can see Russia from Alaska... Yet people act like Russia is on the other side of the world."

Moscow is 4147 miles away from Alaska. Claiming that knowing Alaska is close to the Bering Strait makes one an expert on Russia is moronic at best.

It took Palin fourteen years to try and dig herself out of that embarrassing moment.

Mark that one up as another failure.

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