July 19, 2022

Democrat Ken Russell with his helpful reminder that there's a primary election in Florida on Aug 23. He's running in FL-27 in the Miami area. Russell is fairly prolific on TikTok, a social media platform that most politicians avoid but he seems to understand very well. He now has over 365,000 followers there @kenforflorida.

Source: Miami New Times

Miami City Commissioner Ken Russell may have lost some fans in Miami following a swing vote that cinched approval of the contentious Inter Miami FC stadium project, but he has no shortage of TikTok followers. The former international yo-yo champ-turned-politico, who recently pivoted from the U.S. Senate primary race to a run for Congress, shares daily clips on his account @kenforflorida that cover everything from cannabis policy to how to solve a Rubik's cube with one hand. Despite occasionally giving off "How do you do, fellow kids" meme energy in his videos, which usually are taken in selfie mode and follow popular TikTok trends, Russell actually seems to be engaging community members on topical issues like medical marijuana, police reform, and the rent being too damn high. As of late May, he'd amassed more than 250,000 followers.

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