Dozens of people reported Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) to the FBI after she included the words "terminate this Presidency" in a message on Twitter.
Lauren Boebert Reported To FBI For Tweeted Threat To Biden
Credit: Zoom question and answer appearance screenshot
July 11, 2022

Dozens of people reported Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) to the FBI after she included the words "terminate this Presidency" in a message on Twitter.

"We need to terminate this Presidency," she wrote, adding, "End quote. Repeat the line."

The "terminate" quote likely referred to remarks made by President Joe Biden last week in which he misspoke while talking about reproductive rights.

"Ten years old and she was forced to travel out of the state to Indiana," Biden said, "to seek to terminate the presidency and maybe save her life."

Boebert's intentions were unclear because she did not correctly quote the president. Many commenters forwarded her tweet to the FBI, the Secret Service and the Justice Department.

Read some of the reports below.

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