"Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is proposing that the U.S. pull out of NATO. She believes that Americans should help Putin win," said the host Evgeny Popov.
July 3, 2022

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's call to pull out of NATO and help Putin win in Ukraine made her an instant sensation on KremlinTV. No wonder, since she's basically repeating their propaganda for them so naturally they find her a useful idiot for getting their own message out.

Maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene should open a history book (or any book) once in a while and see how well appeasement worked out in the 1930s.

Source: Raw Story

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Thursday threw her support toward letting Russian President Vladimir Putin win by pulling the United States out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Writing on Twitter, Greene slammed the Biden administration for continuing to supply Ukraine with the weapons it says it needs to repel the Russian military invasion that began back in February.

"The American people do not want war with Russia, but NATO and our own foolish leaders are dragging us into one," Greene wrote. "A war that no one will win. Escalation over Ukraine, a non-member nation, risking nuclear war is a power play endangering the entire world. We should pull out of NATO."

In reality, both the Biden administration and NATO have ruled out getting directly militarily involved in Ukraine, even though many member nations are shipping the country weapons that it's using to fight the Russians.

Some of Greene's braindead tweets.

Greene later double-downed on her dubious claim.

And, as always, video and translation by Julia Davis who watches this stuff every day.

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