Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) predicted over the weekend that every "single Trump supporter" would deny voting for the former president within "about 10 years."
Kinzinger: Every 'Single Trump Supporter' Will Renounce 'Cult Leader' Within 10 Years
July 10, 2022

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) predicted over the weekend that every "single Trump supporter" would deny voting for the former president within "about 10 years."

Kinzinger, a member of the Jan. 6 Committee, made the remarks during an appearance on ABC's This Week program.

Host George Stephanopoulos told Kinzinger that polls indicate that more and more Republicans are dismissing the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol in recent months.

"How do you explain that?" the host wondered.

"On the margins, yes," Kinzinger replied. "It is puncturing through. I think what's most important is what does history say in five or 10 years because I can guarantee -- well, I can get about as close as I can to guaranteeing that in about 10 years, there's not going to have been a single Trump supporter that exists anywhere in the country."

"It's like Nixon," he added. "There were a lot of people that supported Nixon until he was out of office and then everybody was like, 'Nobody supported Nixon.' I figure that that's going to happen."

According to the Republican lawmaker, former President Donald Trump "is, in essence, a cult leader right now."

"He's a man that can stand up and say anything he wants and these news organizations just reinforce it," Kinzinger said.

Watch the video below from ABC.

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