Horrifying Video Of Russian Soldier Castrating POW Sparks Outrage
Credit: Screengrab
July 29, 2022

Not much to say about this, really. The video is almost certainly authentic, though the Russians deny that it is, of course. (Admitting to war crimes is something that no country ever does willingly.) Nonetheless, such acts and recordings are made and propagated on social media with the singular intent of spreading fear and terror. That is a major component of Russian strategy in Ukraine.

More fact-based evidence, albeit circumstantial, had the internet identifying the perpetrator in a matter of hours. Apparently, he has a history of such acts. Allegedly.

Source: Yahoo News

A horrific video posted online on Thursday appears to show a Ukrainian prisoner of war being castrated by his Russian captors.

While Yahoo News cannot independently verify the authenticity of the video, the footage, which was initially posted on a pro-Russian Telegram page before spreading rapidly on social media, showed what appears to be a Russian soldier or mercenary wearing a distinctive black fringed hat, mutilating a man who appears to be a captured Ukrainian soldier.

The victim in the video wears Ukrainian-style camouflage fatigues and is shown gagged, his hands tied behind his back. He lies helpless on the floor as the man in a Russian uniform, which features a “Z” patch, uses a box cutter to cut off his clothes and then appears to castrate him while shouting degrading insults in Russian. At least two other men who appear to be Russian soldiers can be seen in the video.

The video is likely authentic, according to Aric Toler, head of research and training at investigative outlet Bellingcat. The same Russian soldier had appeared in a recent video at the Azot chemicals plant in the eastern city of Sievierodonetsk aired by the Kremlin-backed RT broadcaster.

An edited version can be seen below. It will give you a rough idea of the extremely graphic version posted online. I won't link to it but it's easily seen on the internet.

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