On Fox News, former Koch henchman Daniel Turner, of the energy advocacy group Power the Future made the erroneous claim that Texas' power grid failure in 2021, was caused by wind turbines. That's a lie.
Back in February of 2021, Texas experienced a massive power failure during the winter and many people died while thousands suffered. it was due to Texas' failure to maintain its power grid, but that didn't stop Gov. Abbott from running to Fox news and lying. Instead of blaming his own neglect, he blamed a non-existent Green New Deal for the tragedy.
In turn, many Fox News pundits came out and attacked AOC and Bernie Sanders to create a smoke screen.
Over a year later, Fox News puts on fossil fuel crisis actors on to lie again about Texas.
After a lengthy diatribe about how renewable energy was a plague on society, Turner then suddenly turned to Texas.
"Partially Texas has embraced wind a lot faster than the technology allowed," Turner said.
What technology you ask? Who knows.
Turner continued, "And we saw the catastrophe of that last February when Texas had massive storms and their wind power basically shut down."
Texas refused to upgrade their grid knowing full well a severe storm could cripple them.
One big reason is because Texas refuses to account for climate change.
The Texas Tribune wrote up a good article on why their power failed.
During the power grid crisis, all sources of electricity struggled during the frigid temperatures. The inability of power plants to perform in the extreme cold was the No. 1 cause of the outages last year.
Fox News continues to put on liars and grifters as experts, hoping their viewers are too blinded to catch on.
I'm only surprised Turner didn't blame birds for Texas' power outage.