Millionaire Medicare fraudster GOP Senator Rick Scott wants Americans to get off their lazy duffs and get a job. Never mind that the unemployment rate is as low as it has been in around 50 years.
Here's Scott on this weekend's Fox News Sunday, lying about his plan to increase taxes on the middle class and sunset both Social Security and Medicare, which Biden rightfully chided him for, and then lying that Biden is somehow responsible for inflation and gas prices.
BREAM: Your response to the president?
SCOTT: Well, first off, I've always cut taxes, never voted to raise taxes. The Democrats and Biden even now want to raise taxes in every tax bracket. But here's what I believe. We've got to get Americans back to work.
If you are able bodied, you don't have young children, you know, incapacitated, dependent, get to work. When you go to work, guess what? You pay taxes, you pay income taxes and you pay sales tax and you buy things.
Pretty rich coming from American's richest Senator who got that way from his company defrauding Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE.