Maj. Gen. David Baldwin said sending Soviet-era MiG fighters in the near term is the best “immediate solution” and that western fighters are options that should be explored.
June 6, 2022

Maj. Gen. David Baldwin is the highest-ranking active officer in the U.S. military to make such a call. Baldwin and the California National Guard have long-standing ties to Ukraine and have been involved in training their military for many years.

The video above is from early in March. His recent comments were made last Friday.

Source: Politico

The commanding general of the California National Guard is calling on U.S. and other Western officials to explore sending fighter jets to Ukraine “as soon as possible,” rekindling a longstanding request by Kyiv.

In a statement to POLITICO on Friday, Maj. Gen. David Baldwin, California National Guard adjutant general, also said sending Soviet-era MiG fighters in the near term is the best “immediate solution.”

“MiGs are the best immediate solution to support the Ukrainians, but U.S. or western fighters are options that should be explored as soon as possible,” Baldwin said.

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