June 26, 2022

So much for respecting the will of the voters if it means having your draconian anti-abortion laws enforced. Here's Texas GOP Rep. Briscoe Cain saying the quiet part out loud on what they have planned next for the women unfortunate enough to be living in his state now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe V. Wade:

State Rep. Briscoe Cain says one of his top legislative priorities is to make sure every abortion crime is prosecuted.

The Republican from the Houston area says legislation could be introduced that allows district attorneys to prosecute folks living outside their county.

“I expect the urban county DAs to resist it. And that’s why we need to come up with alternative remedies,” Cain said. “That is one of the main reasons we have civil enforcement under the Texas heartbeat bill. We knew that the major, urban DAs weren’t going to want to enforce these things, so we allowed for civil remedies.”

The Republican acknowledged on Inside Texas Politics the move would require stepping over and ignoring a duly elected official, lifted into the office by voters.

“I guess that’s how that would work. I mean, that’s the idea. And we’re gonna go for it,” he said.


“So, it also not just goes after the doctors, but it’s going to be going after those giving rides, supporting it, procuring the means, assisting, anybody that is an accomplice to the procurement of an abortion is also then committing a crime,” the Republican said.

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