June 1, 2022

Will anything actually get done on gun reform? Morning Joe talked about it at length.

"Senator Murphy said he think it's a stretch here, a week to ten days when they've got to get something done or they lose momentum and nothing will happen at all," Willie Geist said.

"We know that Mitch McConnell sort instructed that that group. And it's unclear if there's anything more than optics at play here?"

"Absolutely. Hopefully, they do get something accomplished that would be great," Times columnist Mara Gay said.

"I think the idea that this is all that's possible is infuriating to the majority of the American people. This is extremely granular. This is a group of people who will so far has not been able to deliver what the American public really needs and is asking for on a whole host of issues. And it just shows what the power of the filibuster looks like in the United States Senate.

"I'm getting calls from friends who live abroad, from friends who are from outside the United States, and they just don't understand how it can be that when a majority of Americans support basic things like background checks that is just not happening in Congress. And, of course, I think while it is important to keep the momentum up on this moment, of this opportunity, it's also important to kind of really make the case, I think, for Biden to the American people, that, 'Hey, you know, we don't have to have a minoritarian government," she said.

"And why it's happening. Even the majority of gun owners support things like background checks. I think it's really about walking and chewing gum at the same time. The American people are having a hard time, understandably, understanding why nothing can get done when even gun owners support these measures. So, I do think that it's up to the White House to express that. And also, just politically, I mean, you would hope that they would have the wherewithal to make that case with the midterms coming up."

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