Marge: Surrender To Russia! Leave NATO
Credit: Screengrab
June 30, 2022

President Biden spoke to our NATO allies during a very important summit, which resulted in approving Sweden and Finland to join, as well a putting a permanent Army garrison headquarters in Poland.

This is all a very positive development for the United States and their Western allies, and a thumb in the eye to war criminal Vladimir Putin.

But to Putin's stooge Marjorie Taylor Greene, the US is declaring war against Russia and we need to surrender.

Trump did his best to try and destroy the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during his disastrous tenure, acting more like a tool of Putin instead of a beacon to the free world, while President Biden has strengthened and expanded NATO since he took office.

"We should pull out of NATO," Marge tweeted as she takes up the slack of Trump's departure to aid and abet Russia.

We gotta ask: Who is paying her to spout this treason?

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