June 3, 2022

The May jobs report beat the Street's predictions by 70K when it added 390,000 jobs.

Great news for workers and the US economy, right?

Did you wonder how Fox News would discuss the May report?

The stress the pandemic has put on the world's economy is intense, but you'd never know it if you only consume Fox News.

A great jobs report and the lowest unemployment rate since 1969 have suddenly turned into a big negative and are the causes of all our economic fears, according to Fox.

(I clipped a few a few short segments from Chad Pergram, a supposedly straight reporter, to see how his network is playing it.)

Pergram said, "The economy is central to the midterms. Republicans are running on problems with the economy. Democrats are seemingly running on empty."

Who knew Fox News "economists" are Jackson Browne fans.

Towards the end of the right-wing biased report, Pergram finally mentioned the good May jobs report.

"Low unemployment is keeping consumer prices high," Pergram said.

Huh? What the f**k? That's a new one.

When did low unemployment numbers and high jobs creation become a negative for the US economy? Never.

This is pure GOP propaganda. No mention, by the way, of Wall Street corporation price gouging and inflationary pressure worldwide.

If a Republican had been in office at this time, Fox News and the rest of the wingnut propaganda networks would be praising the high job creation as well as the incredibly low unemployment rate as the greatest of all time, with back slaps all around.

This is contemptible.

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