Fox News continues to try and keep their viewers in the dark, by having their supposed experts refuse to comment on the evidence presented at the hearing.
June 16, 2022

Fox News' crack legal team of Andy McCarthy and Jonathan Turley refused to even comment on almost any of the explosive testimony that transpired during the January 6 Committee hearing today, some of which came from a distinguished conservative federal judge, offering word salad complaints to attack the Select Committee instead.

Instead of commenting on the hours of testimony that the American people heard today from the Mike Pence team, Jonathan Turley opened up by being mad.

"I was very surprised that the Chairman decided to end with reference to with Judge Luttig towards the 2024 election," Turley complained. "It really did raise the issue again of not having a bipartisan committee."

WTF. That is his first thought? This is Fox News' brilliant legal mind at work.

There are Republicans on the committee as we all know, but it was Kevin McCarthy who refused to put other members of the Republican Party on the Select Committee after Jim Jordan was rejected.

Should an investigation into one of the single darkest days in the history this country denied to the American people because Rep. McCarthy refused to participate?

Turley admitted the evidence was powerful.

"And they could have had another side. They could have had Republican members in the traditional way, a balanced committee. It wouldn't have necessarily lessened this evidence," Turley said. (All of the witnesses were conservatives linked to Mike Pence)

What was traditional about a sitting US president trying to overthrow the government? What does balance do?

"This was heart-wrenching stuff. It was so hard to watch ---but it's would have been more powerful in my view with a more balanced committee," he whined.

Both f**king sides again.

Turley then complained again about the mention of the 2024 election.

Has Turley paid attention to what's happening in all these swing states and red states since January 20, 2021? The redistricting, the purging of the rolls, the attacks on voting availability, etc?

If I was a student taking classes from Jonathan Turley, who teaches at George Washington University Law School, I would resign in protest and demand he be removed and suspended from his teaching position.

Andy McCarthy was next. His big take-away was that he just didn't believe a coup could have actually happened.

McCarthy said, "I think there is a gulf here between the horrific ambitions of the election and what it says about their unfitness to serve as both president and advises to a president -- versus how plausible was the idea that they would actually accomplish a coup that had actually been successful."

Say, what? It doesn't matter if the coup didn't succeed. Eastman was trying to force Pence even after the rioting was quelled to overturn the election.

Law enforcement officers were killed at the US Capitol defending members of Congress from being hunted down and in Mike Pence's case, hanged.

McCarthy kept rambling and this was his big takeaway.

"The more this goes on the less I think it's plausible even though it sounds horrific. I don't see this as being plausible," he said.

It doesn't matter if it was successful or not, the fact is Trump' and his minions tried as hard as they could to accomplish a coup and send the electors back to the states to be replace by pro-Trump electors.

That about if it was going to be successful and all the swing states and red state will going to then sign on and make Trump the president. It's about an attempted coup on the United States government by a sitting president, his legal team and his staffers.

It's entirely plausible, and even proven. Fox News is really reaching here.

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