Trump Wanted To Rehire, Then Court Martial Two Retired U.S. Generals
Credit: Getty Images: WIn MacNamee
May 8, 2022

Talking Points Memo nabbed a copy of Mark Esper's new book, "A Sacred Oath," and this excerpt should disturb any American that loves this country, and what U.S. Democracy stands for.

It demonstrates that while Trump is unable to take any form of criticism from anyone, when it comes from retired military men, he flips out completely.

In Esper's new book, the snowflake president "demanded that the military recall two retired four-star officers who criticized him so they could be court-martialed."

According to a copy of ex-Secretary of Defense Mark Esper’s memoir, A Sacred Oath, obtained by TPM, Trump demanded that former Gen. Stan McChrystal and former Navy Admiral William H. McRaven be recalled into active duty so that they could be court-martialed for criticizing the President.

“So disloyal,” the book recounts Trump complaining to Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley.

Trump truly believes he's a version of Vito Corleone, and that each state must bow down to his whims.

This is as fascist as it gets, and it's exactly what the First Amendment protects us from: a government run amok against its people.

The right to free speech has nothing to do with what private companies do to employees. That's the bastardized version that Sarah Palin came to love.

A retired military officer has as much right to express his or her political opinions as any other American, but to Trump they must be attacked, careers and retirements destroyed for not kissing the ring of a megalomaniacal narcissist.

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