Rudy Giuliani Refuses To Show Up For January 6 Committee Interview
Credit: screengrab
May 6, 2022

Rudy Giuliani said he would cooperate with the Select Committee investigating the January 6 insurrection, but now he has canceled his Friday appearance before the panel.

The Guardian reports that Trump's former henchmen and defacto shadow Secretary of State was going to 'expose contacts' he had with Republicans in Congress that weren't covered under executive privilege as part of the deal.

Hugo Lowell writes, "But that delicate arrangement appeared to fall apart on Thursday, after Giuliani also asked to record the interview to ensure he might not be caught in a perjury trap in a potential subsequent investigation, according to another source close to Giuliani."

Now the January 6 committee may hold them in contempt of the proceedings.

Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and Trump social media manager Dan Scavino have been cited for contempt for refusing to cooperate.

Giuliani has been a primary orchestrator of the voter fraud conspiracy theories that fueled the attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters.

Did anyone ever believe Giuliani would cooperate in any way, willingly?

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