May 12, 2022

It would seem that the Russians have had enough of the symbol of Ukrainian resistance, the farm tractor. No longer content with simply stealing farm equipment, only to find it later remotely disabled, they're sending airstrikes against tractors now. Somewhat miraculously, the farmer survived though remains in critical condition.

Source: New Voice of Ukraine

The Russian military carried out an airstrike on a Ukrainian tractor, working the fields in Kharkiv Oblast, the regional police reported on May 11. The driver received injuries to both legs and has been hospitalized.

According to law enforcement, a Russian pilot fired a missile at the machine, located in the village of Novyi Merchyk, at about 1045, causing the tractor to burn down.

The case is now being looked into by the local police and prosecutor, who have opened proceedings under Ukraine’s war crimes law.

Here is the video of the aftermath.

Ukrainians continue to troll the ever-lovin' hell out of Russia, of course.

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