May 5, 2022

This is an odd one, even by Kremlin TV standards. Shakhnazarov later said his comments were taken out of context, and some have mentioned he's actually talking about what the West is doing or is going to do to Russia. And others have said he's making a joke, and that they won't really sterilize dissidents or send them away to concentration camps.

Yeah, sure.

Source: ExpressUK

The Soviet-Russian filmmaker has warned Kremlin critics could face severe measures for opposing Russian President Vladimir Putin. Speaking on the Rossiya 1 television channel, Shakhnazarov lashed out at anti-war dissent ahead of Russia's Victory Day parade in Red Square next week. His comments come after Putin claimed Russian society would "purify" itself of opposition figures.

He said: "The opponents of letter Z must understand that if they are counting on mercy, no.

"There will be no mercy for them.

"It all became very serious, in this case, it means concentration camps, re-education, sterilisation.

"This is very serious."

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