May 24, 2022

After the Uvalde, TX elementary school shooting, Fred Guttenberg said he’d like to tell all the politicians who have done nothing to protect children from gun violence to “F off.”

Guttenberg, who lost his daughter, Jaime, in the Parkland shooting, told an emotional Nicolle Wallace that he was “shaking with fury” at the politicians in Texas who think guns are more important than children’s lives.

GUTTENBERG: Parents, loved ones, who their world is spinning. Who right now have to think, how am I going to plan a funeral? Who right now have to think, what kind of casket? Who right now have to think, all I did was send them to school. And I have to plan their funeral. And I have to write a eulogy. I have to comfort those who I love. My other children, my spouse, my friends, my neighbors. I have to figure out how to go forward.

After assuring the grieving parents that they will “find a path forward,” Guttenberg set his sights on the politicians:

GUTTENBERG: They f**king failed our kids again, okay? I'm done. I've had it. You know, how many more times? And we're going to sit back -- I'm going to listen to that governor of Texas talk about why he pushed to fight laws and for laws in Texas that made it easier for the guns to be had by those who want to kill? How many more times?

Guttenberg concluded by saying that although the House of Representatives and President Biden want to enact gun safety laws, the next school shooting is as predictable as it is preventable “if we keep doing nothing.”

Then he begged Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to “be the Republican who says ‘I’ve had enough.’ Because if you don’t, get your ass out of office, you don’t belong there.”

Sadly, I doubt Cruz, who has a few years left on his term, will do anything in that regard. But Gov. Greg Abbott is up in November. He’s the guy who tweeted this, less than a year ago:

And this in 2015:

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