May 12, 2022

Poor Matt Schlapp is sad and so he tweeted, because he saw his appliance breakdown as an opportunity to bash Joe Biden.


Now just for the sake of humiliating someone who desperately needs it, I went to the Google machine and I looked for new dishwashers in the Washington, DC area. I assume he and Mercy only want the best, so that would mean a Bosch dishwasher (my fave -- we put one in our kitchen last year) or a Miele, which are insanely expensive but highly rated. After all, a family of 7 needs a great dishwasher.

Here's a store that serves the Maryland, DC and Virginia areas. They have 2 Miele dishwasher models in stock.


Good news!!! There are lots of Bosch models available in the DC/Maryland area.




Twitter was relentless.

It could be that this particular model is backordered for a year.

Here is the American way, amirite?

This is Matt's way:

Truth bombs, every one:

We all know Matt Schlapp is a liar who will use every situation to bash Biden. But when he makes it so damn easy to call him out, I must.

Have at him in the comments, everyone.

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