May 29, 2022

Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway accused Fox News host Howard Kurtz of making "every day" Jan. 6 with his coverage of the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

During an interview on Fox News, Kurtz asked Conway if former President Donald Trump "bears some measure of responsibility for calling his supporters to Washington and then suggesting they march on the Capitol."

"He had a rally and he said fight like hell," Conway replied. "He has made very clear -- so you have to listen to his words and his intent -- that he never knew people were going to go inside the Capitol or, God forbid, what some of them actually did once inside the Capitol. Listen, it was shocking."

Conway accused media outlets of trying to "mix together" Capitol rioters with the "74 million people" who voted for Trump in 2020. She said that questioning the election "does not make you the QAnon Shaman."

"But I do wonder," Conway continued. "Even for you, Howie, why every day is Jan. 6th. Can you explain that to me?"

"Jan. 6th was a very dark day in our history," Kurtz replied. "I understand a lot of people would like to move on from Jan. 6."

"I didn't say that!" Conway insisted. "I'm just asking why every day is Jan. 6? Is there a good answer to that?"

"For the media, you're saying?" Kurtz wondered.

"For you and the show but for the media and the Democrats just generally and a couple of Republicans who are, you know, having hearings on that," Conway griped.

Kurtz said that he agreed that "many people" were using Jan. 6 "as a political weapon."

With that admission, the host moved on to another subject.

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