May 30, 2022

Well, well, this is interesting!

Sandra Smith is an obedient Fox News employee. And she has two jobs to do for the network, neither of which is "report the news."

In the Year of Our Lord 2022 Sandra Smith's job is to (1) promote Republican candidates and (2) avoid getting sued for pushing election disinformation.

The Dominion lawsuit has definitely modified behavior at Roger Ailes' House of Propaganda.

So in an effort to do job one, promote Mo Brooks for the US Senate seat from Alabama, Sandra Smith ran up against job two, because Mo Brooks wanted to serve Donald Trump a big heaping helping of lies about the 2020 election, including endorsing the latest pile of horse manure from Dinesh D'Souza, his "film" "2000 Mules."

Sandra Smith is right: Reuters did debunk the "2000 Mules" movie. I would think "by Dinesh D'Souza" would be enough for most people to know it's not true.

So Sandra Smith had to both have Mo Brooks on her show and also shut him the hell up for pushing Dinesh D'Souza's election disinformation. And Mo Brooks wouldn't shut up, and insisted on getting the "final word in."

The good news for Fox and Sandra Smith is, they probably prevented a litigious voting machine company from gathering evidence that THEY promoted election disinformation, at least in this clip.

Mo Brooks might just have to avoid another subpoena. Womp womp.

(On topic, Fox News helped Mo whine mightily over being served with Eric Swalwell's subpoena.)

And now Fox Newsicans are wailing that Sandra Smith and Fox should be sued for "defamation."


Can't wait for discovery on that lawsuit! The end.

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