Help us stay ahead of the right wing attacks on our website and continue to bring you the content you've come to expect from us.
May 17, 2022

Last year, big problems arose for us. Social media companies started bending over to serve right-wing hucksters like Ben Shapiro and Dan Bongino, while downgrading independent progressive websites like C&L. Algorithms pick up one word, take it out of context, and penalize and then censor us. Facebook alone is responsible for a 50-75 percent drop in the number of people who visit our site every day.

And it's only getting worse.

I wrote this last year about the state of things.

As soon Biden was sworn in, with no warning, Facebook devastated our traffic, threatened to de-list our page, and to this day will only allow us to PAY to promote our page on their service. Because the majority of site visitors come here via Facebook or Twitter, we lost over half of our daily visitors.

At the same time...

Social media companies like Facebook have decided to let Republican hacks like Ben Shapiro and Dan Bongino skirt all their rules and regulations and run rampant so they can prop themselves up and rake in millions of dollars in revenue.

They survive from promoting lies, anti-vax conspiracies, and voter fraud nonsense. Yet who does Facebook single out?

You guessed it. Only now they won't even let us pay to promote the site and threaten daily to delete it altogether.

Here's how the Facebook scam works: First, the page is reported for a bogus "violation." And then we get reported a few more times for bogus violations, protest the violations but no one ever actually looks at the protests.

There's no customer service at Facebook to discuss the situation, so we are left in the wind, with our website in their hands. It's having a dramatic effect on our ad revenue. Still, even with all of that, we've managed to keep our writers and even add a couple of great cartoonists to the site. But it hasn't been easy.

Please if you can help, support this site. If you are able to reach into your pockets and donate at least $25, and maybe buy an ad-free subscription, that would be awesome.

Please, help us out.

Pleasesubscribe. If you've subscribed already, thank you so much.

You can donate to PayPal or through Kindest, too.

Or you can send a check via snail mail to:
PO Box 1789
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

Any donation will be welcomed with open arms.

We really want to be around to fight for liberal values in the future.

The country needs it now, more than ever. Thank you.

Can you help us out?

For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ocean of right wing lies. Please give a one-time or recurring donation, or buy a year's subscription for an ad-free experience. Thank you.


We welcome relevant, respectful comments. Any comments that are sexist or in any other way deemed hateful by our staff will be deleted and constitute grounds for a ban from posting on the site. Please refer to our Terms of Service for information on our posting policy.