May 25, 2022

Beto O'Rourke must have known his line of questioning would not be warmly received at Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's press conference today, so didn't wait to be called on. He marched right up to the stage before Abbott finished his remarks (which were 100% deflection and 0% accountability or action) and told the Republican politicians on the stage what he thought of them and their hollow words.

"You are doing nothing. You are offering us nothing," O'Rourke said, pointing to the stage. "This is on you until you choose to do something different,” O’Rourke said. “This will continue to happen. Somebody needs to stand up for the children of this state or they will continue to be killed just like they were killed in Uvalde yesterday."

Of course, the GOP snowflakes on the stage had a meltdown, though O'Rourke never raised his voice. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said, "You're out of line, and an embarrassment." The GOP mayor of Uvalde, Don McLaughlin, shouted at the top of his lungs, "I can't believe you're a sick son-of-a-bitch who come to a deal like this and make this a political issue!"

Of course, the police came up to escort O'Rourke out of the auditorium, but he turned around to say again, "This is on YOU." McLaughlin screamed, "It's on assholes like YOU, why don't you get outta here?"

My, my, it sure would be nice to see that sort of angry passion directed towards the system that allows 18-year-olds to have such easy access to such deadly weapons, but this is 'Murica, and Republicans have made their priorities painfully, shamefully clear.

Twitter had a few reactions.

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