May 4, 2022

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did not hide her disgust at Sen. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski after they expressed surprise they were lied to when they voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett and other justices that Trump specifically appointed to overthrow Roe v. Wade.

This was Collins’reaction.

Here is Sen. Murkowski's.

“Roe is still the law of the land. We don’t know the direction that this decision may ultimately take, but if it goes in the direction that this leaked copy has indicated I will just tell you that it, it, it rocks my confidence in the court right now.”

In response to their misgivings, AOC tweeted this out:

Murkowski voted for Amy Coney Barrett when Trump himself proclaimed that he was appointing justices specifically to overturn Roe.

She and Collins betrayed the nation’s reproductive rights when they were singularly capable of stopping the slide. They don’t get to play victim now.

What good does it do the country now for these two Senators who swore they would always protect a women's right to choose, to whine and complain that these justices betrayed them.

They didn't betray only them.

These radical justices betrayed the entire country, but they allowed them to do so.

Almost every poll taken has the American population thoroughly behind a woman's right to choose by over two-thirds for the federal legislation.


71% is not a divided issue in this country. It's a f**king bedrock opinion.

Nobody in their right minds except the Christian nationalists would want this issue and issues like it to revert back to the states.

It will only cause pain, misery and chaos.

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