April 15, 2022

Video by @PaulLahticks on Twitter.

Stephen Miller testified virtually before the Jan. 6th committee yesterday, and sources told the New York Times the session was heated at times. (Imagine, a session with Count Chocula being "heated"!) He also invoked executive privilege when asked about his discussions with Trump, including a phone call he had with the former president the morning of Jan. 6, one source said. Via the New York Times:

Among the most contentious exchanges were over a draft of the speech Mr. Trump delivered that morning at a so-called Stop the Steal rally near the White House. Thousands of rally attendees marched from that event to the Capitol, where they stormed the building just as Congress was meeting to formalize Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s Electoral College victory.

Mr. Trump repeatedly used the word “we” in his remarks that day. “We will not take it anymore, and that’s what this is all about,” Mr. Trump said. “And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with: We will stop the steal.”

Mr. Miller rebutted the implication that the word “we” indicated that Mr. Trump was trying to incite the crowd to action, one of the people said, arguing that it has been used in political speech for decades, including by President John F. Kennedy in reference to the moon landing.

Another point of contention with Mr. Miller was Mr. Trump’s false claims of widespread ballot fraud. Mr. Miller, the people familiar with his appearance said, argued that the election had been stolen, claiming that there were several examples of fraud.

Investigators also pressed Mr. Miller on his involvement in plans to put forward pro-Trump electors in states won by Mr. Biden as part of an attempt to keep Mr. Trump in office.

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