April 29, 2022

Former Trump attorney and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani claimed that the events of Jan. 6, 2021 have been "totally exaggerated" by Democrats.

Giuliani, who is expected to appear before the House Jan. 6 Committee next month, made the remarks during an appearance on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast.

The former mayor argued that his son, Andrew, will win the race for governor in New York.

"I don't think we realize the movement going on among independents," Giuliani said. "You know, this isn't Jan. 7th anymore. That whole thing has been shown to be, yeah, bad by some people, but totally exaggerated as a political stunt by a bunch of crooked Democrats."

Giuliani accused the committee of being "a total set-up."

Giuliani is expected to testify in May before the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol. He had his license to practice law suspended in both Washington, DC and New York for pushing Trump's "big lie" of election fraud.

"The expected appearance comes after months of negotiations between lawmakers and the former mayor of New York, who served as former President Donald Trump's personal attorney for much of his presidency," CNN reported earlier. "Giuliani, a central figure in Trump's failed bid to overturn the 2020 election, was subpoenaed by the committee in January and has been engaging with lawmakers, through his lawyer, about the scope of the subpoena and whether he may be able to comply with some requests."

Giuliani's subpoena was announced alongside subpoenas of Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell and Boris Ephsteyn. The select committee described them as "four individuals who publicly promoted unsupported claims about the 2020 election and participated in attempts to disrupt or delay the certification of election results."

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