April 19, 2022

Press Secretary Jen Psaki dispatched wounded Fox News reporter Peter Doocy quite easily during the Monday press briefing.

Doocy, who had his nose bloodied over the weekend, brought out the report that said 23 people on the U.S. terror watch list were apprehended by the Border Patrol in 2021.

Showing his best passive-aggressive self, Doocy asked, "Why do you guys think it is that somebody on the terror watch list would want to get into the United States undetected?'

If it was me, I would've said these terrorists wanted to spend a nice holiday at Mar A- Lago and they have coupons from Trump, but that's me. Biden's Press secretary is a lot smoother.

"I can't make an assessment of that, but what I can tell you your data you're citing here is the Border Patrol is doing their job," Psaki replied evenly. "I mean, they apprehended people at the border."

Doocy seemed pretty raw, keeping on about migrants crossing the border as possible terrorists.

Psaki told him that actual terrorists very rarely try to cross over the southern border. Once again Psaki praised the Border Patrol, reminding him, "The Border Patrol, they stopped them. They're protecting our homeland. They are keeping us safe."

Doocy wasn't prepared for the Biden administration praising the Border patrol for some reason, so he got meaner.

"So the president is not worried about holes in the southern border being exploited by people trying to come in and kill Americans?" he pressed.

This is a Neo-Nazi xenophobic question if I ever heard one. Anti-immigration wackos, including Trump, continually intimated that immigrants would murder us in our sleep.

Psaki pushed back: "He's grateful for the Border Patrol for doing their jobs and stopping these people and preventing them from getting into the country."

And with that Doocy moved on, but he wasn't very happy.

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