Louie Gohmert gets a Fox News soundbite by pretending any criticisms towards Justice Thomas are "lynching." This recalls Thomas's confirmation hearing back in the day.
April 28, 2022

On Wednesday, during the House Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing titled, "Building Confidence in the Supreme Court Through Ethics and Recusal Reforms," Rep. Louie Gohmert sunk to the depths of stupidity by claiming Justice Thomas was being lynched again.

Gohmert is partying like it's 1991.

Yesterday's hearing came about almost entirely because of Justice Thomas's refusal to recuse himself from cases involving his wife.

Ginni Thomas was heavily involved with the events of January 6, after receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars as payment.

As usual, Rep. Gohmert hit the reverse racism bar running, which callously downplays the horrific lynching to which thousands of Black Americans were subjected. (Around 3,446 blacks were lynched.)

Gohmert said, "Justice Thomas knows what all of my very conservative, dear Black friends know is. Nobody is treated more brutally in this country than a conservative Black!"

What's a conservative Black? This is ludicrous on so many levels.

"And it's just like Justice Thomas said at his hearing, he was the victim of a high-tech lynching and I would submit, anyone that continues that abuse, is further contributing -No-- is further contributing to the same high-tech lynching," Gohmert yelled.

Any criticisms towards Justice Thomas' alleged malpractice are now considered a high-tech tech lynching in the Texas Congressman's corrupt world.

Former NAACP-LDF President Sherrilyn Ifill took offense to the very white Rep. Gohmert's asinine remarks.

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