April 14, 2022

Fox News hosts on Wednesday sympathized with a man who may have opened fire on the Brooklyn subway because he was angry about homelessness.

During a segment on Fox & Friends, hosts discussed reports that Frank James, a person of interest in the subway shooting case, had posted complaints about homelessness.

"He said there was no place to sit because the cars were full," Fox News co-host Steve Doocy noted.

"That's true actually," co-host Ainsley Earhardt chimed in.

"Is he the gunman? Is that what motivated him? Stay tuned," Doocy said.

"Yeah, Mayor [Bill] de Blasio thought it was a good idea to leave the homeless on the trains and let them become apartment buildings," co-host Brian Kilmeade complained. "The big thing is about the homeless, you don't look at them and say that family of four couldn't make rent. You look at them and say this guy is nuts."

Kilmeade continued his rant by pointing out that he rides the subway four days a week.

"And I can't tell you how many guys, you look at them and you go, that is an aggressive person that you do not want to turn your back on," he remarked. "And that's been the case when there was four people in the city in the middle of the pandemic. And it's the case now that ridership is back up 60%."

"You ride it every day and if you see a homeless person, usually they're lying down asleep on one of the benches," Earhardt agreed.

"Or they've got that look in their eye like they're about to attack," Kilmeade said.

"Yelling and screaming and ranting," Earhardt continued. "And people are trying not to look at them because you are just scared that you're going to make eye contact and they're going to come after you."

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