April 6, 2022

On Fox News Wednesday, the former governor of New Jersey pretended Trump was a true ally to Ukraine and omits that the former guy extorted President Zelenskyy in an effort to smear President Biden.

Christie has been outspoken against Trump's election fraud lies but turns back into a shill when it comes to attacking President Biden.

Fox News' Brian Kilmeade was livid at General Milley for saying the Russian war against Ukraine could go on for a long time.

"Is that okay," he asked? "How many more children gotta be assassinated or pedestrians walking on the street? How many more Nazi symbols must be burned into bodies before we say this was over? We don't have this type of time!"

"The Biden administration blew this right from the beginning," Christie blustered. "They should have armed Ukrainians and continued to do what the Trump administration was doing, in arming the Ukrainians and ramped it up even more."

Huh? Biden should emulate Trump? Biden should commit illegal actions to help his political career and refuse to give Congressionally approved aid to Zelenskyy?

Trump left NATO in tatters with his efforts to destroy the alliance and he continues to attack the organization that has provided a little bit of a safety net to prevent another world war.

President Biden quickly re-assembled and energized the participating 30 nations to take swift actions against Russia. and was praised for showing real strength on the national stage.

Christie and Fox News are trying to blame the destruction and war crimes perpetrated by Putin on President Biden.

That's disgraceful.

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