March 20, 2022

The Kentucky Senate just voted to ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy and the House will likely follow suit. But let’s hope Sen. Berg’s viral comments outlast the bill.

Berg began by saying that as a diagnostic radiologist, she has performed ultrasounds on fetuses in the first trimester. She blasted her all-male colleagues for passing “a medical sham.”

BERG: For you to sit here and say that at 15 weeks, a fetus has a functional heart, a four-chamber heart that can survive on its own is fallacious. That is not true. There is no viability. I look around at my colleagues on this committee. I am the only woman on this podium right now. I am the only physician sitting on this podium. This bill is a medical sham. It does not follow medicine. It does not even purport to listen to medicine.

But she was just getting started.

BERG: And for each and every one of my colleagues to be so willing to cast an "aye" vote when what you are doing is putting your finger, putting your knee, putting a gun to women's heads - you are killing women because abortion will continue. Women will continue to have efficacy over their own body, whether or not you make it legal.

Then she highlighted the problems that are being ignored by the men so obsessed with controlling women’s bodies.

BERG: I vote no and I really, really apologize to the people of Kentucky, that we are spending this much time and this much energy when we have families in poverty, we have single women heading households in poverty at a higher rate than any other group in this state. And you all are not addressing that, you all are making it worse.

For those who think Berg is a liberal outlier in red Kentucky, the fact is she won an upset victory in 2020 and flipped a senate seat from red to blue for the first time in 10 years.

So she may very well be Kentucky’s future, not an anomaly.

Want to support Dr. Berg’s re-election? You can donate via Act Blue.

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